luni, 20 mai 2013

Hoinarind pe Valea Cerbului / Wandering Deer Valley

  Nu mica mi-a fost bucuria cand mi-a iesit in cale aceasta capra neagra pe Valea Cerbului din Bucegi. Coborarea pe acest traseu a fost special aleasa pentru astfel de momente unice desi inca nu e foarte sigur, dar totul a meritat.

There was little joy to me when I came across this chamois in Cerbului Valley. The descent on this route has been specially chosen for such moments though still not very safe yet, but it was worth it.

Ne-am uitat unul la altul mai bine zis eu ma holbam la ea dupa care a disparut, 
mi-au tremurat mainile de emotie si ultimele cadre nu au fost prea reusite. Ce frumos ar fi fost sa pot zburda si eu la fel pana un Busteni, dupa 24 de ore istovitoare fara prea mult somn si multe poze. 

We looked at each other rather I stare at her and then disappeared,
I had shaky hands from excitement and last frames have not been too successful. How nice it would have been for me to just can romp up as this chamois after 24 grueling hours without much sleep and lots of pictures.

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